
Showing posts with label #hippiehappy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #hippiehappy. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2019

6 ways online dating and job hunting are similar

After more than a decade of marriage and now almost two years since we separated, the dating scene is unlike anything I have never known. I also now have the need and the desire to find a new path for my career. Both utilize online apps and that is just the first step in the comparison of Job hunting and online dating.

1. Utilization of online apps- Every aspect of life seems to have an app for that. And dating and job searching are no different. I didn't and couldn't afford a pay site for dating so I went with a freebie, Plenty of Fish. The job hunt has more apps than I utilize but the ones I have tried are LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and ZipRecruiter. My preference right now is Glassdoor and Ziprecruiter, Glassdoor gives great insights into the company and what it is like to work there from reviews by current and former employees. Ziprecruiter has a great search engine and has some direct companies hiring, I have come across sites that are nothing but filter through another app. Well, why wouldn't I go to the source and skip the middle man.

2. Most profiles or jobs are bullshit- With online dating, my first rule was to avoid the profiles listed as Widows. I found most of them to not be widows but typically they were fake profiles. Any time the person was too hot, I would check the profile and sure enough, he was a widow. I have had the same experience on Facebook. I still get the weekly request from Military men who are widows. Their profiles only have one or two pics and when you look it up online to research the name, it is a fake account. Now in the job hunt, the postings are not typically fake but they are filled with non-sales, sales jobs. For instance, they will advertise the job as one thing, and to read the description it sounds kinda promising until you read the review and see that its commission based only or the money they were offering for the job is a projected average and nothing like the paycheck you will receive.

3. Wading through the Muck- Now I have not been as lucky in my job search as I have with the online dating. I had a few standards I set for what I wanted from a partner-- must drive, must have a job or career that he is passionate about, we must inspire and motivate each other and if he mentions sex in the first email or just comments on my looks, then I would send a thoughtfully crafted question. Most responded with pleasantries that were insincere. I looked for emails that were original in thought and more that one sentence. Using these tactics, helped clear the muck and made it easy to spot the emerald in the grass. I am still knee high in the job search muck. I would love your comments on how you have navigated this system. I read the job descriptions and now the company reviews as well to make it simpler to identify one a job I want two, a job I am qualified for and finally to see what kind of culture this company has and represents.

4. If you're not careful you will be fucked, figuratively and actually- Most emails I got on Plenty of Fish were asking for sex. Some were more sly and would talk to you for like a day and ask for sexts or actual sex. Also in my job search, I have gotten the most response from what I have begun to call pyramid jobs. You can make money by recruiting or selling something like an entry-level position for people looking to change their career path. Also, these jobs are listed as making $50k plus But when you read the company reviews and job feedback on sites like Glassdoor and ZipRecruiter you learn the opinion of current and former employees. Its too bad plenty of fish does not offer reviews of the profiles on their site. I wish I could have let other online daters about some of the real a-holes on their site.

5. There are gems, maybe just not in the way you expected -- I got hundreds of messages from randos that were looking for something I wasn't, including an offer to dress, bath, feed and change a man who had a baby fetish. And being approached by a few married couples looking for more "friends," but I did find my gem almost ten months ago.

6. Always respond even if it is to politely say no- I knew that most of the people emailing me were not the daters I wanted and recruiters are sometimes just looking for a warm body. I say that 90% (not scientifically proven) of the responses I get for both online dating and job searching is all bullshit. Online recruiting has moved from the real companies doing a direct hire and mostly the postings are from recruiting organizations. I know enough to know that is how these businesses make money is by selling their services as a third-party Human resources department or guaranteed to fill your positions, etc. But that does not help us job searchers in our process. I am not saying I don't apply to these third-party recruiters but I try to steer away from those.

In life, I am just trying to find my #hippiehappy. Whether it is with a mate or in a new line of work. I hope to do a follow up to this piece when I figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Can you change your stars?

My hippie happy life

Can you change your stars?

Do we dare to dream and then take action...


Why do we stay in dead-end jobs, marriage or lifestyles? Most likely because we become comfortable. Change is scary. Or that is the bullshit we tell ourselves when faced with choices or situations. My favorite pastime is learning. I truly value the ability to read, comphrend, and utilitize the information to improve some aspect of life.


I have always lived by the philosophy that we should improve ourselves some way every day. It could be reading a book, changing a habit as small as closing the cabinets. But I like to think that most days I can say I learned something miniscule every night upon meditation.

Right now I am researching and hoping to learn from a few online learning institutions. My first stop has been Alison.They offer free online learning but if you want the certificate then you pay a relativity small price. But there doesn't seem to be accreditation but if it's really about having the knowledge to do a job or skill does accreditation matter? I guess that will be a future blog. Alison overs thousands of classes ranging from Resume writing to French to Project Management. They have career paths that offer many courses to improve your knowledge of the given subject.

Yesterday, I found an allegedly free MBA through Smartly. There is an application process, which is something I have pending. Their site also includes free learning certificates in business. So far their courses seemed center 100% on business management.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Do you speak the same language as your loved ones?

In my path to hippie happiness, I am trying to de-stress. In doing that, I have to realize I cannot make everyone happy. But what if you found out that the way you were trying to make someone smile was making no impact or worse maybe even irritating that person. Wouldn't you stop and try to change?

You see your friend, child, spouse, lover, etc and you tell them how great they look and have much you love their new haircut. To you, you love when someone realizes that you got a new hairstyle because you see that as them paying attention to you and that attention to detail is not about vanity but taking the time to give you some of their moments because they care. BUT in the head of the person you just complimented, they are thinking, "Uh, is it all about how I look. Anyone can say words. I wish she would just sit down with me and teach me to play Rummy so we could spend time together." Because to that person, Quality time like doing a shared hobby is more important than any words you could pull together.

You are speaking Mandarin Chinese to a person who can only understand French.

This is the theory of Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages. The 5 main love languages we speak are QUALITY TIME, WORDS OF AFFIRMATION, ACTS OF SERVICES, RECEIVING GIFTS, and PHYSICAL TOUCH.

This theory is not just for romantic love, it can be applied to all relationships. My interest was peaked by his application of this with children. My kids are all twelve and up and I constantly feel as though I am never saying the right thing. My teen daughter will come back at me with-- Oh, didn't I look good yesterday? when I tell her she looks nice on a particular day. I have learned that she is Receiving Gifts type. And before this book and assessment, I think I thought it meant she was materialistic. But for her (and I have to admit it was in my top 3), a gift can mean that the person was thinking of her and spent TIME and money on something for her. Now for my son, he wants nothing more than your undivided attention (with your mouth shut and let him just talk, most of the time...LOL).Now I have not had them complete the assessments for kids that can be found on Chapman's website. But these are guesses based on years of being their momma and seeing what I think makes them happiest. But I will give them the quiz because I want to be the best momma to them.

After my research for this, I think back over different relationships in my life and realize how else this has played out. My father was never one to say niceties or even I love you. But he would pick up some small trinket or gift when he was out of town. Each gift was always thoughtful and very specific to the person he bought it for. He may have never used words to express his love, but he was thinking of us and did try to express his love through giving gifts.

Chapman's ideas are that if we can find out what our loved one's language is, that we can adapt to speak what they need to hear. And vice versa.

My top three were Quality Time, Words of Affirmation and Receiving Gifts. I think the other part to remember is genuineness and quality. No one wants someone to force any of these language types. I don't want someone to make up WORDS OF AFFIRMATION just to pacify me. But a heartfelt thank you, you look nice today melts this writer's heart. Also not looking for extravagant gifts. In high school, I had boyfriends that would leave me notes on my car at work under the windshield wiper and these little gifts would keep me on cloud 9.

I started researching this topic because I felt someone's view of me was skewed. We only experience this world through the filters our brain allows us to. We need feedback from others to see their point of view and to communicate in the way that they can understand and give them love in the way they want to be loved.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Do people want to be happy?

I have witnessed numerous people in the past week that actually made the statement, paraphrasing of course, that they like the misery in their lives alluding that to be happy would be boring. And this really has made me evaluate what we value in life has created these paradigms in our brains, souls and very beings that we would ever equate unhappiness with a state of being that would be preferable to happiness.

One area I see this on a regular basis in children and even adults who choose negative attention and feedback rather than positive. But who gets the most attention in a classroom? The best student or the child acting out? What makes the top of the news feed the charitable monk or the rambling idiot on twitter? The adage bad attention or PR is better than no attention never made sense to my brain, who is rather introverted in most ways and that may why I suck at publicising my books. And I only write a blog because I don't believe people read it except my Aunt Gini (still loving the duster!).

I digress...

So do people want to be happy?

I heard a bartender talk about being with someone who clearly made her unhappy in a million ways but the way her eyes lit up when she talked about him. It didn't take a psychologist to tell ya she will be back with that dude at least twice in the biblical sense and once more in the let's try to see if we can really make a go of this. Neither will end smoothly.

So what motivates us if not happiness? I believe that depends on what you value. I value my children's' future happiness (believe me they would agree that I don't care about their current happiness as I give them chores daily) and my own happiness. I cannot help anyone one if I am not first happy.

Happiness comes from self-happiness.

That was the a-ha for so many of us and for others they never understand and can read my words and say that I am just spewing hippie bullshit. Truly happy people are complete all on their own. Then when they meet people, friends, lovers, children, they can be wholly there for. I think where many people fail in any relationships (not just romantic) is without analyzing what it was in past interchanges that I can grow from, change, keep, toss and then glow.

A therapist told a man who had been divorced five times that the common thread in all his divorces was him. Not the women, him. That's hard to hear. We don't ever want to think maybe there is something we need to evaluate about ourselves. But that is where we become free.

We are not to replay the past over and over like its entertainment to be watched. Learn from it and let it go.

I want my happiness to be that glow that others see and feel without me having to say, I AM HAPPY. We all know truly happy people. And as I have said in this blog all along. My goal is hippie happiness. A happiness that radiates my soul without me saying a word.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

A glimpse into my process & A CHANCE TO BE A CHARACTER IN BOOK 3 of MYTHIC:PSION

I love easter eggs in tv shows and in books. Hidden little secrets that may be for a special person or for a group to get an inside joke or giving a nod to someone special. So when I write I don't intentionally set out to put things in a specific place but when an opportunity presents itself I shove the plastic egg in that hidden nook ever so gently.

One of my favorite parts of writing but also one of my well thought out is name selection. I have read books where authors use old phone books or name generators. But I like to use not so random selection for some of my characters as a way to give some love to people throughout my life that may never get a book dedicated to them but they are in my thoughts or in my facebook feed enough that they are in thoughts even as I write. Each for different reasons too. *I should add none of the names are exactly this people's names they are fantastical versions of themselves. They will know it's them but the public would never. It is all in my love and positive vibes for them all I do this*

I have a Chef Kitsune in the Mythic: Psion book 2 Life, Liberty And the Pursuit of Ginnie named for a guy I went to Antioch College with whom I haven't seen since we graduated but his anime drawings and amazing food porn on facebook lights up my days.

I have named the four demon victims for a random reason, One for a friend from Antioch that became a lawyer and I am so proud that she went all the way and is using her powers for good. Then there are the redhead twins I went to college with whom I love watching their families grow and they are still the most amazing sister team I have ever encountered. I gave Mackelmore a shout out because his first mainstream album really was motivational and got me pumped on days when I barely wanted to get out of bed.

There is a werewolf named for a cousin of mine who loves books and devours them like I used to.

There are other personal nods to people I love and have others I have lost. Some need no acknowledgment here, they know who they are.

Other names like Virginia, has two amazing ladies. One is a second cousin but I call her my aunt and another is a long distance bestie's middle name.

Would you like your name or a name of your choosing in the final book of this series? The one I am penning right now? Then comment below and we will pick a random number for the winner from the names below.

The other part of my muse beside names of friends and family is music. I love having a soundtrack to what I am writing. Sex, Drugs, And... Vampires? found me mused by the song "All Right Now" I listened to the song whenever I needed to get myself back to that time and place of the story. It was my time portal and it also pumped me up with my muse dancing in my head like a ninja at a drag ball.

Well enough reveals into my psyche for now...

Please Remember to leave a comment of your favorite Halloween costume ever to enter my contest to be a character in book 3.

And a bonus for new readers...SDV is free until the 17th...

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


"Synchronicity is a concept, first explained by psychiatrist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship, yet seem to be meaningfully related."

I love finding Synchronicity in my life. The lightning bugs of life, as soon as the glow is close enough for your to grasp it then its gone but you go on and you step another way and there is another firefly. Sometimes these "meaningful coincidences" are the things that help us make a change in our life, calm our fears when anxiety may be overwhelming our souls. Other times these coincidences can be eerie or scary making a mind paranoid if they are already prone to think those things. I think they are my easter eggs or puzzle pieces of life showing me the way to the big picture of where I need to be heading.

Within a week, I did a Facebook quiz (I know, it's a FB quiz) about which Carl Jung Archetype I was?
It chose Sage--
"You're the sage! According to Carl Jung, the sage represents wisdom and the search for truth. You are wise beyond your years, patient and a deep thinker. You're driven by a thirst for knowledge. One of your greatest fears is being ignorant, misled, or duped. You're incredibly intelligent but you risk over analyzing until you're incapable of actually making a decision. You're an old soul and wise beyond your years, but Jung would tell you don't get lost in the clouds!"

Then a day later, I was talking to a friend online and needed to spell Synchronicity and I didn't want to look like a tool. And when I looked up the word, it was a "meaningful coincidence" that the person that first explained the concept was Carl Jung. And if anyone is unclear who Carl Jung is, he was a super famous psychologist probably second only to Freud.

Again three or four times since I have started this article on Synchronicity I have come across quotes in books, facebook or just online by Carl Jung. Meaningful coincidences? Or is it my brain is now looking for Carl Jung the same as when I bought my Red Nissan and now I see Red Nissan Sentras everywhere I go.

I prefer to think of my seeing Carl Jung as meaningful coincidence and take it as a hint from the universe to study this theory further. It is deep and involved. I will report more on Jung's Synchronicity and Archetypes in the coming weeks and their roles in my changing life.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

How we misjudge

How many of us have stopped following a dream because someone else has told us or we have believed they have said of us negative causing us to question our self. Or was there that guy in High school that you longed after wishing you would have asked him out in the lab but never did because you just know he would have said no?

My love for words started in Middle School. I still have binders and notebooks of sappy poems, short stories and other creative writing ventures I tried over the years. In high school, I wrote for my school newspaper and even was co-editor my senior year.
Then when I was accepted to Antioch and placed in a remedial English class for the few of us who sucked at writing based on a summer reading assignment. Why hadn’t anyone before now told me I sucked? The devastation was on par with a tornado or divorce it meant I could not be a writer; so I never wrote again--
Until 2009, when I was reading books by Charlaine Harris the author of the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I read them, loved them, and thought I could totally write books like this. And I started writing again. Fast forward blur blur blur. Three novels unpublished and over 250 blogs later and I have to wonder how much better of a writer would I be if I had not stopped for over fifteen years?

No one ever said 'DANYEL YOU SUCK'! But being placed in a class that not everyone had to take made me feel stupid. I had just passed AP English with a B. I was so confused. I did not realize until years later that Antioch was not only teaching me grammar but to write my own genuine thoughts. The paper they graded was regurgitated from the book I read. Me and my high school had failed to find Danyel’s voice blending facts from the book with my opinions. That is why I was placed in the writing course, not because of my suckitude. *which are grammar rules, I know I have not a drop of the rules.
My true hippie happiness if I am completely honest is reading something I wrote and thinking, 'that is so awesome, someone else must have written that'. Then remembering that it was me, and I smile.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Don't read this-- I'm on Steroids--- Dany in Wonderland

When you have been sick for more than a day or two it messes with your mind more than you realize. Days and nights mean nothing. The numbers on the calendar only mean something if Facebook reminds you it is that assigned astrological day or shows you events from your past of this day 365 days ago. But then if you seek treatment for your fevers and barrage of systems then you are now inducing chemicals into the equations. Since my local witch doctor was closed and not an Ayurveda practitioner who takes Anthem within a 100-mile radius and I had to settle on western medicine to cure my ails they undecidedly called flu with a chance of bronchitis. So an antibiotic, a steroid, and an inhaler walk into my mouth and three blogs, one completed job, two half jobs and a lot of unfolded laundry later I am exhausted. I would love to have the thoughts flowing that this steroid inhaler combination is giving me. Not saying you are reading the next Joy of Sex Manual. But when you take enough Epilepsy meds to sedate a small family a crisp mind wanting to write, create and keep going is the closest to joy I have had since Florida. And it's like stepping through the mirror and back into Wonderland. And I am so afraid it will stop when the meds are done.

My positive Dany says no. This is my new path and through meditation and perseverance, this is the new way. Day two with meditation. No more waiting for the right meds or the right situation or the kids to be older. Today is my day to find my hippie happy every day, my joy.

Part of my joy today was seeing my offspring dance. She competes, which I hate but I love to see her art in form. Her face on the stage but even better her face off stage as she has accomplished her goal her art in whole. I have to block out the fake reality of the stages, trophies, makeup, fake hair and glitter. I just wanna see my baby spin and twirl like a two-year-old joyfully in the rain. To do that I had to leave the house and purse filled with meds nauseated by the phlegm filled gut, but I did and I was never happier that I forced myself into Wonderland for my daughter. I was blessed doubly by lil sister being my White Rabbit for the day.

Little Steps towards big goals... Legion and Meditation

The past week has been sickness, sleep and way too much Netflix, Hulu, Youtube and Amazon Prime Video. I was being to miss being productive but a few great seeds were planted in the myriad of technicolor wonderland flashing before my eyes. First Legion is the greatest new mind F#ck of a show on all of the airwaves, cable waves, the internet, paid or free. I love not knowing one second to the next what is coming, maybe it has been the flu but the ride is so much fun. A great diversion from the reality of reality. Thank you for whoever is making that amazing show. Bravo to all of you. Seriously. When you go home at night, give yourself a little pat on the back and I hope you are having as much fun making it as I am experiencing-- it is bringing me joy. I digress. But related-- to the mind.

The other seeds-- cleaning the mind. The show Legion has a lot to do with the mind and the manipulation of it. The other shows I found myself watching were documentaries and YouTubers on zen mediations and other forms of mediations.

For years, I strove to figure out the picture perfect method of meditating. I tried relaxing every body part but I always ended up asleep. Not a very good method of true meditation but it did help with my insomnia and also helped with the racing thoughts at night.

My next go about was Holy Hour of Adoration as a Catholic for about a year. I loved this quiet hour with the Jesus but I was fidgety and found myself pacing around the church as long as no one else was there. I figured as long as I was silent with Jesus He wouldn't care if I was walking around the Church. I loved the silence, though. This was the greatest lesson of this was we were not to be bringing things to God in this time but just being with him. In Silence, we learn much.

In a multiple part series on meditation I watched, one of the first things they discussed was making a designated space for meditation. Nothing fancy. We will start with items to have in the area. I am not an expert and cannot comment on the medical side of what is best for you. I found multiple pillows that will fit the areas around my bottom and back until I am used to the seated position. Better.

So I was totally hippie happy, lit my incense and got about seven minutes of meditation in. But that is 7 minutes more that yesterday. But I got my meditation revelation of the day. Meditation is not about learning anything. It isn't about any religion. Prophet. The reason they try to teach you to empty your mind is because we all work so hard and carry so much past present and future in our brains, that if you can give your brain 7 minutes of silence. Rest. That is when we really supercharge our brains. in the silence. is the answer we seek.

whatever makes you happy. whatever you want---radiohead

Friday, March 24, 2017

Stress Management-- Little Inferno Nintendo Switch style

I love video games, I know the world is split in two. Those who think games are a waste of time and those who love games and who see other gamers and give each other a nod at the dirt mall looking for the rare copy of Earthbound. Some gamers shoot things, some play sports games, others RPG and some play useless mindless but fun games like puzzles, Animal Crossing, Pinball, and now Little Inferno.

If you have not played, Little Inferno STOP_-- spoilers-- go play the game before you read this. I played this game with zero information about it. My husband bought it with zero information about it. He was told the same. Just buy and play. Once you play it then you can discuss it.

Okay now, this game is a fireplace that you put things in it and burn them. You earn money for burning things and you buy more things and you don't leave your house and just order from catalogs. So this is pyromania with agoraphobia? Throw in addiction and hoarding too! You have to make combos for more points and it is so much fun. I first thought this was a joke then two hours later I was flipping back and forth trying to piece together the mystery of the combos and trying to figure out the limits of this game. I love not having any idea of what really is going on and I could be missing something but I do love to burn things in a fake world.

I do worry as a parent that a game like this is going to have that effect that someone says "this made my kid burn stuff." There are warnings on the game but I know the world we live in and the game is a very obvious satire on kids entertainment. It even includes a "video" on how to use your inferno, which is little more than spooky kiddos that will give ya no idea about this game. Just stack burn and combo. Its hard to tell if this is awesome, addictive or a waste of time.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Review: Dead Sea Bath Salts

I adore a great foot soak, years ago I picked up one of those plug in foot massagers and it sat in my closet until I got rid of it when I used one time in two years. But now I figured out it was not the cheap massager that I was enjoying but the hot water on my feet. I used these Adovia Mineral Dead Sea Bath Salts dissolved in hot water with a few drops of lavender oil. I love these salts and hope to continue to learn new ways to use these bath salts in conjunction with my collection of essential oils. The Adovia Mineral Dead Sea Bath Salts make me #hippiehappy.

Adovia Mineral Skin Care Dead Sea Bath Salts one pound point seven five resealable bag.

Dead Sea Salts are the Best Bath Salts on The Planet - Much Higher Mineral Concentration than Epsom Salt! with a High Concentration of Minerals which are Essential for Proper Skin Health and Beauty

Adovia Dead Sea Salt is Fine Grain for Faster Dissolving - Packaged in a Resealable Zip Lock Bag

Provides relief from Psoriasis, Eczema, and Arthritis symptoms. Formulated with over 26 essential minerals the body needs for natural soothing and relaxation.

Find Relief from Aches and Pains by Soaking in a Bath full of these Salts. Rejuvenates, exfoliates, and softens while it soothes!

Contains absolutely zero additives, colors, or scents. Higher Level of Minerals and Relief than Epsom Salts

Here are their links:

Social Media:




Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Stick it to em (Or around the world in a glance)

My hubby and I are reading a book
helping us set goals and dreams by first writing them down, which is what I am using my new planner for. One of my long term lifetime goals is to see more of the world which this decal helps me remember that goal daily. I am technically have lived in Ohio my whole life with my internships in Boston and Atlanta as my only reprieves.

The Vati decal was simple to put on, although my skills may have left a few bubbles or two.

This makes my lame laptop look lovely and is dream focused making me #hipppiehappy.

A description from Vati:

"~Vati Leaves Removable Creative World Famous Buildings Decal Sticker Skin Art Black for 13" 15" 17" Inch Samsung, Lenovo, HP, ASUS, Chromebook, Toshiba, Dell, Chromebook, Acer And Other Laptops

Dustproof, Waterproof, Oilproof And Fingerprints Prevent.
Super-thin (0.09 mm) And The Image Integrate With The Logo Of Apple Devices.
Precision-Cut, Perfect Fit; Give Your MacBook A New Impressive Looking.
Can Be Easily Removed And Leaves No Sticky Residue, Will Not Damage Surfaces.
Printed On The Best Vinyl Material With Long Lasting And Never Fades. (5-7 Years Outdoors Life).

Vati® Personalized Sticker & Decal. Top Decal & Front Sticker. Beautiful World Famous Buildings Decal - This unique solid color decal and sticker Perfect For Samsung, Lenovo, HP, ASUS, Toshiba, Dell, Chromebook, Acer And Other Laptops! The designs integrate make your laptop unique.

♥ Vati® Perfect For Customize Decal ♥
We could customize any decal for you, but you need give us a big picture. We will try our best to meet your request.

Please note: this is a decal sticker which only covers the design area, it is not a full skin to cover the whole backside!

For larger decals or ones that go directly over the Apple logo, clear transfer film allows for an easier way to line up the edges for a perfect fit.

Our vinyl sticker is made from the same premium stuff companies use to brand their cars and make their outdoor signs. Once your sticker is applied, you can be sure it's not going anywhere unless you want it to. This little guy will stick and just keep on sticking! Want to take it off? No problem. This sticker doesn't leave horrible paper residue when it's removed. Plus it comes off quickly and easily.

Our sticker is water, sun and oil proof. You can wipe your surface and vinyl sticker clean without damaging it. Its colours won't fade in the sun. If you really wanted to you could probably eat a salad right off it. We coat your sticker in a scratch-resistant, matte-finish laminate that preserves its colours, protects it from damaging substances and enables easy, worry-free cleaning.

This sticker will stick to pretty much any smooth surface you can imagine. Metal, plastic, glass, wood. Laptops, cars, windows, guitars, drums, floors, ceilings, walls, fridges. The list goes on and on!" company site

I received this product at a discount price in return for my unbiased honest review #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy opinion.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

In beauty,would you like an 180? I did.

Another beauty product Danyel? I know. There are so many things on the market and so many things we are offered. I have tried to give some info in past blogs but I still am trying to sort out what all the different things that I need. But what I DO KNOW and LOVE in the products-- Hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. They keep my face smooth and bring out color in my face like I have been to a tanning bed or outside in the garden. And 180 Cosmetics Pure Swiss Serum fits that bill to a tee.

180 Cosmetics Pure Swiss Hyaluronic
 They state on their site:
"Reverse the signs of aging with the newest 180 Cosmetics Pure Swiss Hyaluronic Serum that has taken the world by storm!

High-end technology brings you the anti-aging solution that regenerates your skin cells and provides the moisture your skin needs to look and feel young and smooth. The highest quality of Swiss Hyaluronic acid serum, complemented by natural ingredients and enriched with vitamin C, brings the elasticity back to your skin, making it look and feel youthful and smooth. Watch this revolutionary serum reverse the signs of agings while protecting your skin from free radicals.

Why Hyaluronic Acid? As we age, our body produces less and less of this important acid, thus affecting how moisture is stored in our skin. With 180° Cosmetics Pure Swiss Hyaluronic Serum + Oxygen, your skin gets the nourishing ingredients it needs to stay toned, smooth, rejuvenated, and beautiful. In just moments, this amazing serum penetrates deep into the skin, nourishing it from the core" 180 Cosmetics

The 180 Cosmetics Pure Swiss Hyaluronic Serum is a small vial that looks high end and the serum itself is thick and goes on smoothly and leaves nothing behind in the way of stickiness or residue. 180 serum leaves my face clear of blemishes and smooth and soft.This makes me #hippiehappy.

I received this product free for my unbiased honest #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy opinion.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Grind it baby, round and round

I thought life couldn't get better than my French press coffee maker. It makes me feel like my coffee is better than electronically brewed, something about taking out the electricity and going rustic brings out a flavor and richness that I never experienced from an electronic coffee maker even from letter-cup coffee maker. One of the first things the instructions for your french press coffee maker suggests is to use fresh ground coffee beans. I did not have a coffee bean grinder so I used the food processor which worked to grind the beans but it went against my rustic loveliness of the french press.

Brillante Manual Coffee Grinder was sent to me for review and I thought this is perfect. And it lives up to its name, Brillante. I was worried that it would make my arm sore or tired. And even for a pot of french press I was not tired. The size of the grinder is smaller and I have to fill up the grinder twice to create enough coffee to make a pot in my french press but the ease of grinding was like winding up a Jack in the Box. The only negative is the size of the grinder makes it that I have to fill it up twice, but truly there is nothing negative about that. Though my hubby did find a couple whole coffee beans on the floor that must have jumped out of the coffee bag. This product made me super #hippiehappy! This will be part of our home for years to come.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Working out old school-- Jumping Rope and Punching Bag.

This month has been throwback exercising in our house-- jumping rope and punching bag.

Forged Champion Adjustable Speed Ropes is a quality product, my ability to do hardcore cardio is not quality. Jumping rope is a lot harder than any of us thought but we as a family will keep at it. The length is adjustable which I loved but I didn't know what to do with the extra except for rolling it around my hand. I am happy with the product and the exercise it gives me it is just gonna take a bit of time to get this 38 year old body used to doing an activity that I have not done regularly since I was about ten but the childlike skill mixed with the great cardio makes this a #hippiehappy product.

Now the freestanding punching bag was a god send. We had been throwing around the idea of a punching bag for stress relief for our household but did not have a place in the house to mount it. Then I was able to apply to review this and I was very skeptical but this has been awesome. Velocity Boxing has created a heavy duty freestanding punching bag that is listed as a children's pro product but I use it every day. I love the arm work out as well as the stress relief rolled all into one. My kids both love it as well. We have kept it in a common space so everyone can use it every day. This Punching bag by Velocity Boxing makes me #hippiehappy every day.

I received these two products in return for my unbiased honest #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy review.

Booty FRESH and Hi-Jinks

When I was approached to do a review for this product, they ask if you are comfortable talking about bathroom hi-jinks. That's the words I will use to refer to toilet time because Hi-jinks just sounds better. And that is a word needs brought back in my opinion.

When I looked up this product, another product popped up Poo-pouri. Which is a scent neutralizer for your shit-- sorry no nice what to say that. You finish your hi-jinks and you spray this product and you leave a nice smell behind. Meant for when you go to someone else's house and don't want to leave traces of your hi-jinks. Now I had never heard of this until I was researching BOOTY FRESH and then the bots in my computer starting leaving this other hi-jinks product ad on the sidelines almost daily. Then one day I saw a real commercial for the stuff. Funny @ss commercial, pun intended.

Now BOOTY FRESH is not to cover up the scent left behind in the bathroom after your hi-jinks. Booty Fresh is to spray on your booty after the hi-jinks are over or in the shower to help prevent any scent from being created. It is not meant to substitute wiping after hi-jinks. It does keep you feeling fresh without any overbearing smell or weird cloths. Just a few sprays on your cute tush allow it to stay there for 3-5 minutes then wipe off. I cannot say I always wiped it off and I did not have any irritation. I loved this product so much I give it a #hippiehappy approval.

I got this product in return for my honest unbiased #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy review.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Do you have a minute? Or a few weeks? Rid Tech Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Review.

This review took me a little longer than most to complete because the product itself said it may take up to two weeks for the product to take full effect. So I did not feel like I was qualified to make any assumptions until I had it in my kitchen for over three weeks. During the first two weeks I saw two spiders running away from the product. After re-reading the instructions and seeing that it may take a full two weeks for the product to take effect, I have paid closer attention since the two week mark and have not had any bugs in or rodents (or remnants of rodents, ewwww) in my kitchen since then either. Although I was #nothippiehappy about the time it took to start working, once it did I was #hippiehappy.

I received this product in return for my honest #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy review.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Home Ec did not prepare me for this

I have not have many times in my life that I have needed to sew until my son entered the Scouts. And then after I spent hours sewing on his badges and threading needles and hating life wondering where all of those Home Economic skills went? I made a bad ass purple and pink felt banner, a gym bag made from material thinner than kite or windbreaker fooshy stuff that never was carried to gym or anywhere for that matter and a pillow not quite square and not quite circular. But I digress. Those were mostly made on heavy duty sewing machine, something I have been asking around for in the family for years. I don't want to buy one but if there is one floating around not being used I would like to try my hand at it. I tried crochet. Not my thing, I could do the first row great and that would be about it.

But in the last six months both my husband and daughter have approached me with "Can you sew this?" or "Can you fix this?" Then they would scowl at me pull the thing away and say. I will check with Nanny or Chelle, like I was chopped liver. How can I learn if I do not keep on practicing? And that is what I plan on doing, just not with they precious clothing, to their knowledge at least.

The Quick Stitch comes with 12 basic thread colors, thimble, scissors, a button, safety pin, straight pin, various sewing needles, a threader and a tape measure. A perfect emergency sewing kit, a college sewing kit or Scouting kit or incompetent mother's sewing kit and maybe link her to some appropriate YouTube sites on how to not make herself bleed and or cry during the process. I give this product my honest #hippiehappy review.

I received this product in return for my honest review of #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy review.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

+Lifeguard Car Charger-- No more fighting for the car charger

[embed]http://[/embed]Have been using this charger in my car for over a week now. It charges quickly and I love being able to use my own cord with the +LIFEGUARD car charger that way if I don't need it talk or use the phone a small cord is fine or if my son is playing while charging his Kindle a longer cord is useful to reach the backseat. The only negative is more an OCD issue for me, in my front lighter hole there is a little wiggle room-- but it does not lose contact at all. See it is more just that it bothers me that it doesn't fit snug like it should in my mind. Yet in my center console it fits perfectly snug.

Today my daughter was able to charge in the +IQ slot for her iphone 4 and I charged my LG phone at the same time. Score, huzzah! So nice not to fight over who get priority to charge in the car. I give this my #hippiehappy. I received this in return for my honest #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy review.