My hippie happy life
Can you change your stars?
Do we dare to dream and then take action...
Why do we stay in dead-end jobs, marriage or lifestyles? Most likely because we become comfortable. Change is scary. Or that is the bullshit we tell ourselves when faced with choices or situations. My favorite pastime is learning. I truly value the ability to read, comphrend, and utilitize the information to improve some aspect of life.
I have always lived by the philosophy that we should improve ourselves some way every day. It could be reading a book, changing a habit as small as closing the cabinets. But I like to think that most days I can say I learned something miniscule every night upon meditation.
Right now I am researching and hoping to learn from a few online learning institutions. My first stop has been Alison.They offer free online learning but if you want the certificate then you pay a relativity small price. But there doesn't seem to be accreditation but if it's really about having the knowledge to do a job or skill does accreditation matter? I guess that will be a future blog. Alison overs thousands of classes ranging from Resume writing to French to Project Management. They have career paths that offer many courses to improve your knowledge of the given subject.
Yesterday, I found an allegedly free MBA through Smartly. There is an application process, which is something I have pending. Their site also includes free learning certificates in business. So far their courses seemed center 100% on business management.
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