
Showing posts with label #joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #joy. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2017

A glimpse into my process & A CHANCE TO BE A CHARACTER IN BOOK 3 of MYTHIC:PSION

I love easter eggs in tv shows and in books. Hidden little secrets that may be for a special person or for a group to get an inside joke or giving a nod to someone special. So when I write I don't intentionally set out to put things in a specific place but when an opportunity presents itself I shove the plastic egg in that hidden nook ever so gently.

One of my favorite parts of writing but also one of my well thought out is name selection. I have read books where authors use old phone books or name generators. But I like to use not so random selection for some of my characters as a way to give some love to people throughout my life that may never get a book dedicated to them but they are in my thoughts or in my facebook feed enough that they are in thoughts even as I write. Each for different reasons too. *I should add none of the names are exactly this people's names they are fantastical versions of themselves. They will know it's them but the public would never. It is all in my love and positive vibes for them all I do this*

I have a Chef Kitsune in the Mythic: Psion book 2 Life, Liberty And the Pursuit of Ginnie named for a guy I went to Antioch College with whom I haven't seen since we graduated but his anime drawings and amazing food porn on facebook lights up my days.

I have named the four demon victims for a random reason, One for a friend from Antioch that became a lawyer and I am so proud that she went all the way and is using her powers for good. Then there are the redhead twins I went to college with whom I love watching their families grow and they are still the most amazing sister team I have ever encountered. I gave Mackelmore a shout out because his first mainstream album really was motivational and got me pumped on days when I barely wanted to get out of bed.

There is a werewolf named for a cousin of mine who loves books and devours them like I used to.

There are other personal nods to people I love and have others I have lost. Some need no acknowledgment here, they know who they are.

Other names like Virginia, has two amazing ladies. One is a second cousin but I call her my aunt and another is a long distance bestie's middle name.

Would you like your name or a name of your choosing in the final book of this series? The one I am penning right now? Then comment below and we will pick a random number for the winner from the names below.

The other part of my muse beside names of friends and family is music. I love having a soundtrack to what I am writing. Sex, Drugs, And... Vampires? found me mused by the song "All Right Now" I listened to the song whenever I needed to get myself back to that time and place of the story. It was my time portal and it also pumped me up with my muse dancing in my head like a ninja at a drag ball.

Well enough reveals into my psyche for now...

Please Remember to leave a comment of your favorite Halloween costume ever to enter my contest to be a character in book 3.

And a bonus for new readers...SDV is free until the 17th...

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Today is the gift we have. Who are you sharing it with?

How many people will you see today? Two or two hundred? You have the opportunity to share something with each person that you come in contact with-- yourself. The bit of yourself could be a smile, a short conversation, holding a door, or a long uninterrupted conversation without any electronic devices. We all have enough time to give to others. It doesn't take more than a second to smile. That person you pass in the grocery may not have spoken to any other person all day, maybe that few seconds you take to say hi, nod and ask how they are-- will be some of the best human contact they get today.

I had an awakening recently and became more aware of how I was projecting in those moments when maybe no one notices; Like the grocery store or walking down the halls of work. I realized I was only smiling when I saw someone but instantly went back to a sour face mainly because I had been suffering from migraines and was in pain. Now I find that I smile whether someone is there or not. Part of my new meditation is breathing and smiling during daily mundane tasks. I find a distant sound to focus on humming of the fluorescent lights or the running of a fan. And I am learning to shut out all other thoughts and just smile. Bliss. No thoughts. The ability to turn it off for short periods is like a massage for your brains cells. And the smile is the gift you give yourself and others because smiles are contagious as well as their byproduct-- joy.

I charge you to try and smile when no one is looking. Not because it is magical, it will not make you money or solve all of your problems. It may even hurt your cheeks a bit as you get used to this new exercise. But you may just start doing it without having to "force" yourself to do it. Or you may be smiling when no one is watching but secretly someone is. And secretly it made them smile to see someone doing some task like push a cart, just smiling. Happiness is all around us, we just need to make it be.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Resurrection of the Soul

the revitalization or revival of something: Oxford Dictionary

Revival--restoration to life, consciousness, vigor, strength, etc.

For the last eleven years, I have celebrated Easter Sunday with the Catholic church. This year I celebrate the resurrection of my own soul. You do not realize you have buried yourself in another. I have seen others do it over the years whether it be their job, kids, or spouse. I did not think I had done that. I thought I know who I am. I am me. Then slowly I wasn't. I was in the same room at work and at home. I had boxed in literally everywhere I went.

It started with headaches in January that led into February migraines. Then I had the a-ha moment that I needed to start looking for a new job. The pain in my mind eased up once I admitted my work was a stressor. My soul felt better. I started watching the want ads and looking into the job market and assessing how I and my skills set could fit into the every changing market that I have been out of for so long. It could be a full-time job to find a job.

Once I started on that path, then the soul needed to go deeper down to what brings me joy. What hobbies, skills, things do I love in life that I can translate into a new path to make money for my family but also bring a new level to my soul. I want to come home fulfilled and not come home drained with nothing to give my family. I need to be able to get off work, and go do and be with my kids. I have missed too much. I am looking through life with a new lens. A new focus. I am not afraid.

So today is my revival, My resurrection. My life is back, More vigor, more strength through yoga, more consciousness through meditation, more vigor through the joy and mindfulness I find in all aspects of my day from start to finish. I was blind and now I can see. I was dead and now I am alive.

Monday, April 10, 2017

What am I worth? (Synchronicity preview)

Many places in my life in the last few weeks someone has put some kind of value or asked me to put a number value on me as a person. It shook me to the core every time it happened. I am not something to be put into a numeric value. Maybe it scares me to think of myself as a cash cow. Put to slaughter for a price. One was for life insurance and disability insurance our yearly meeting with the same smiling face. She loves me I add more every year paranoid that someone will get hurt or goddess forbid die. I with having Epilepsy I constantly worry about my long term health. It's under control now, but I was told as a child I would outgrow it too. So here was the first place someone asked me to pick my big worth.

As I am applying for jobs or more like browsing the job market. I cannot say there has been much that screams LEAVE WHAT YOU HAVE! yet. But here is another place where they want you to say what you are worth. And it's some weird pissing game, that I don't understand. You don't want to put a salary too low and look desperate but you don't want to put too high either. But some people say over confident does win because it sells a demeanor that the upper management wants in an employee. I am just honest and put the amount I need to leave my current position for that position. I am not a good liar or negotiator. I am better to just put it out there and if you dig my vibe then we can work together. That is how I am playing this, I am looking for my bliss work related and I think it will find me when I find it.

My husband asked me what I thought I was worth for all the thoughts, ideas, jobs, all the potential in me what I could be worth. He had a number for himself and I waited and spit out some random number like $50,000 and I really have no idea where I came up with this number because I was just so taken back by the thought of quantifying my creativity and productivity into a number. Sometime since the birth of my kids, I had the revelation that the real currency in life was time. If we were to give people real gifts, it should be vouchers for our time and we should hold fast to meet face to face with people. Time is our most precious gift; One I have tried to give to my kids as often as they have allowed me. There have been people in my life I have been shamefully selfish with my time and my belly aches over those losses. But I have today. And I have time. I have no other value to speak of but I have time.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Little Steps towards big goals... Legion and Meditation

The past week has been sickness, sleep and way too much Netflix, Hulu, Youtube and Amazon Prime Video. I was being to miss being productive but a few great seeds were planted in the myriad of technicolor wonderland flashing before my eyes. First Legion is the greatest new mind F#ck of a show on all of the airwaves, cable waves, the internet, paid or free. I love not knowing one second to the next what is coming, maybe it has been the flu but the ride is so much fun. A great diversion from the reality of reality. Thank you for whoever is making that amazing show. Bravo to all of you. Seriously. When you go home at night, give yourself a little pat on the back and I hope you are having as much fun making it as I am experiencing-- it is bringing me joy. I digress. But related-- to the mind.

The other seeds-- cleaning the mind. The show Legion has a lot to do with the mind and the manipulation of it. The other shows I found myself watching were documentaries and YouTubers on zen mediations and other forms of mediations.

For years, I strove to figure out the picture perfect method of meditating. I tried relaxing every body part but I always ended up asleep. Not a very good method of true meditation but it did help with my insomnia and also helped with the racing thoughts at night.

My next go about was Holy Hour of Adoration as a Catholic for about a year. I loved this quiet hour with the Jesus but I was fidgety and found myself pacing around the church as long as no one else was there. I figured as long as I was silent with Jesus He wouldn't care if I was walking around the Church. I loved the silence, though. This was the greatest lesson of this was we were not to be bringing things to God in this time but just being with him. In Silence, we learn much.

In a multiple part series on meditation I watched, one of the first things they discussed was making a designated space for meditation. Nothing fancy. We will start with items to have in the area. I am not an expert and cannot comment on the medical side of what is best for you. I found multiple pillows that will fit the areas around my bottom and back until I am used to the seated position. Better.

So I was totally hippie happy, lit my incense and got about seven minutes of meditation in. But that is 7 minutes more that yesterday. But I got my meditation revelation of the day. Meditation is not about learning anything. It isn't about any religion. Prophet. The reason they try to teach you to empty your mind is because we all work so hard and carry so much past present and future in our brains, that if you can give your brain 7 minutes of silence. Rest. That is when we really supercharge our brains. in the silence. is the answer we seek.

whatever makes you happy. whatever you want---radiohead