Oprah has her favorite things but she has those amazing cooperate sponsors paying for her audience to walk away with all that swag. I am not so lucky. But you may be.
For the next month, I will be running a contest to win DANY'S HIPPIE HAPPY THINGS. See the lovely rafflecopter below for some amazing hippie happy things that can be yours.
Noxema- When I was a little girl, my momma used this product herself regularly. But she would use this on me to get off Halloween makeup or when I had a sunburn. The smell and the good tingly feel on my skin is a great memory and current experience all in one. Now this product has become part of my daily regime along with my Konjac sponge.
Kickstart- Lets start with the best part of this drink only 80 calories and tons of caffeine. Low calorie, no aspartame and its not filled with all the crazy ass shit in the normal energy drinks and did I mention tastes great. I like to have one to kick start my day. It is the best thing since Jolt.
French Press Coffee Maker-- This is the only item on my top 5 that I did not initially pay for myself, and I did receive this item free for review from Francois et Mimi. I reviewed this product a few weeks ago
Yatra - Natura Incense - Parimal Mandir-- Since I quit smoking cigarettes over five years ago, my sense of smell has sharpened and I get a great rush of hippie happy when I smell things that tingle my nose's fancy. A yummy candle, a savory meal, a smell from my childhood, or a new exotic smell that I have never encountered before. This incense was introduced to me by my brother and since then I have bought two cases of this and passed it on to a friend for her to try out. I was a big fan of Nag Champa for years but this was a whole different take but with hints of some of the same notes.
Herbal Essences Rose Conditioner-- This is a memory in a bottle. Every time I use this product, I think of my college years at Antioch College and it is by far the best conditioner expensive or low end I have ever used.
Bonus Hippie Happy Item:
Michael Sealy Guided Meditations and Hypnosis on Youtube.
I have been a person who struggles to fall asleep without a tv on and when we moved into this house my husband and I decided not to have a tv in our bedroom. But I was cheating and just watching Netflix and Hulu on my tablet. I was thinking for almost two years how proud I was of myself for not having a TV in my room-- I fooled myself long enough and then I remembered a trip I took to Washington DC with my TAG class in 5th grade. My teacher brought a cassette with a guided meditation where a calm male voice talked you through relaxing each body part and I listened to it on my Walkman. In preparing for my own daughter's trip to DC I thought of this and I thought to Bing guided meditation male voice and found many different options on YouTube. After a few weeks of listening to some I liked, some I changed after only a few moments and then I found Michael's videos. Now I use these videos every day for the last two weeks and I have never felt better. Now to be fair this added meditation did align with my removing of Lyrica from my body. I like to think these meditation/hypnosis have helped me avoid all withdrawal from the Lyrica, increase my productivity mentally and physically as well as improve my moods. Can't include this in the prize pack but you can get this now for free on Micheal's YouTube channel.
a Rafflecopter giveaway