
Showing posts with label #humanresources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #humanresources. Show all posts

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Mid Life Awakening or Crisis? Reframing our outlook.

Who would have guessed that around 40-42 and I don't know what to do with my life? Midlife crisis? Maybe its the average age that someone realizes what matters in the long term. Time and how we squander, cherish, and maybe even savor every single moment of every day. You may realize that you have worked more than played and it has not gotten you ahead. And others of us have been in helping profession that becomes burnt out or just walked the path as far as necessary and jumps onto another new path that you never saw running up beside the old path. New flowers, plants, and trees to see along the way and the sympathy of the insects are in tune with your heart song.

Is that a midlife crisis or is it a true awakening? Some would say "Woke" and it is a clarity of wants, needs, and desires of the brain and heart. It's hearing each note as the song in a whole is just as memorable. Stopping to feel the light breeze causing you to close your eyes long enough to inhale the wind into your body.

So yeah, I am having a mid-life
crisis, which also lines up with about the age I thought I would die, about 86. That was the number I have visualized since I was a small child.

We see our grandparents aging, a sad group who has already lost a parent or a child, we know that every day is not guaranteed. This moment is all I have right now. I am joyous to spend this moment now, writing this blog. I love creating things from words. I truly love the research and thought processes that go into creating a new villain or plotting on a new book. And I have been blessed with the frame of mind to be able to write and read since decreasing epilepsy meds almost a year ago.

But the real question is where do I go from here? A master's degree? Technology classes? I have taken assessments and career quizzes and they all say I am a thinker or thinking type. I love to learn, I love to discover but how to progress from here? I am continuing to pursue my path, trying to enjoy the journey.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Can you change your stars?

My hippie happy life

Can you change your stars?

Do we dare to dream and then take action...


Why do we stay in dead-end jobs, marriage or lifestyles? Most likely because we become comfortable. Change is scary. Or that is the bullshit we tell ourselves when faced with choices or situations. My favorite pastime is learning. I truly value the ability to read, comphrend, and utilitize the information to improve some aspect of life.


I have always lived by the philosophy that we should improve ourselves some way every day. It could be reading a book, changing a habit as small as closing the cabinets. But I like to think that most days I can say I learned something miniscule every night upon meditation.

Right now I am researching and hoping to learn from a few online learning institutions. My first stop has been Alison.They offer free online learning but if you want the certificate then you pay a relativity small price. But there doesn't seem to be accreditation but if it's really about having the knowledge to do a job or skill does accreditation matter? I guess that will be a future blog. Alison overs thousands of classes ranging from Resume writing to French to Project Management. They have career paths that offer many courses to improve your knowledge of the given subject.

Yesterday, I found an allegedly free MBA through Smartly. There is an application process, which is something I have pending. Their site also includes free learning certificates in business. So far their courses seemed center 100% on business management.