
Showing posts with label #amwriting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #amwriting. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2017

A glimpse into my process & A CHANCE TO BE A CHARACTER IN BOOK 3 of MYTHIC:PSION

I love easter eggs in tv shows and in books. Hidden little secrets that may be for a special person or for a group to get an inside joke or giving a nod to someone special. So when I write I don't intentionally set out to put things in a specific place but when an opportunity presents itself I shove the plastic egg in that hidden nook ever so gently.

One of my favorite parts of writing but also one of my well thought out is name selection. I have read books where authors use old phone books or name generators. But I like to use not so random selection for some of my characters as a way to give some love to people throughout my life that may never get a book dedicated to them but they are in my thoughts or in my facebook feed enough that they are in thoughts even as I write. Each for different reasons too. *I should add none of the names are exactly this people's names they are fantastical versions of themselves. They will know it's them but the public would never. It is all in my love and positive vibes for them all I do this*

I have a Chef Kitsune in the Mythic: Psion book 2 Life, Liberty And the Pursuit of Ginnie named for a guy I went to Antioch College with whom I haven't seen since we graduated but his anime drawings and amazing food porn on facebook lights up my days.

I have named the four demon victims for a random reason, One for a friend from Antioch that became a lawyer and I am so proud that she went all the way and is using her powers for good. Then there are the redhead twins I went to college with whom I love watching their families grow and they are still the most amazing sister team I have ever encountered. I gave Mackelmore a shout out because his first mainstream album really was motivational and got me pumped on days when I barely wanted to get out of bed.

There is a werewolf named for a cousin of mine who loves books and devours them like I used to.

There are other personal nods to people I love and have others I have lost. Some need no acknowledgment here, they know who they are.

Other names like Virginia, has two amazing ladies. One is a second cousin but I call her my aunt and another is a long distance bestie's middle name.

Would you like your name or a name of your choosing in the final book of this series? The one I am penning right now? Then comment below and we will pick a random number for the winner from the names below.

The other part of my muse beside names of friends and family is music. I love having a soundtrack to what I am writing. Sex, Drugs, And... Vampires? found me mused by the song "All Right Now" I listened to the song whenever I needed to get myself back to that time and place of the story. It was my time portal and it also pumped me up with my muse dancing in my head like a ninja at a drag ball.

Well enough reveals into my psyche for now...

Please Remember to leave a comment of your favorite Halloween costume ever to enter my contest to be a character in book 3.

And a bonus for new readers...SDV is free until the 17th...

Friday, September 29, 2017

Living my book at a time

At 12:22am I finished submitting for publication, my second book in the Mythic: Psion Series. Also my second book published period. It feels so good to have it done. Although, I could have edited it for the rest of eternity. It has been put to rest in the bosom of Amazon. I started writing books seven years ago. Many of them have been sitting idly by on a flash drive or on a cloud for five to seven years. Sex, Drugs, and Vampires? was the first thing I wrote. Now I just completed and will have published book two in that series and it made me cry.

I love writing books, I have loved seeing the character come alive on the page and even through hundreds and hundreds of hours of editing. I love my characters like they are part of my family or more to the point part of my soul. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Ginnie started out being just a prequel to Sex, Drugs, and... Vampires? but it has ended up being therapy, motivation, and inspiration at a time when life has been anything but certain.

I have dedicated my first book to my best friend and the second to the women who helped mold me. But I have named my publishing company because I am a self-publisher, is nova&brody publishing co. It is my dedication to my kids. I want them to know that through the muck of life, they can persevere and reach their goals. I want them to see that what they love to do can be pursued. I did not publish my first book till I was forty and that will not stop me from writing more books and publishing the rest I have stashed away.

This was my dream years ago and I let it die for the wrong reasons. I will succeed because I believe in me and because I love to write and that is who I am writing for. Me.

If you would like to buy my books here is the links:

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Ginnie

Sex, Drugs, and... Vampires?

Friday, August 4, 2017

Paperback Writer...

The last few days have been so happy, humbling and proud if all of those things can happen at the same time. I have cried with joy with both my kids in a group hug as they saw my book go online for the first time. That in itself was worth all the years of editing and writing. To have my babies see me accomplish what I said I would. Later Bub sat and asked me about the plot and about the prequel to this book. He was young when I started writing and to him what he remembers or knows, is Mom with a laptop. It is not like I let my kids read my paranormal romance books.

Now the paperback is available as well.

And now the real hard part. How to promote while working on prepping the prequel to this and getting ready to return to the real world of work.
Another shameless plug, if you did read my book. Please review it. That is almost more important than buying it in the book world.

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Precipice has my stomach in knots

My goal for publication was the end of July. And if you look at your calendar that is a mere few days away. So I grabbed my balls and took some big steps today. I have been taking bids for cover art for the novella Sex, Drugs, and... Vampires? and I finally picked one and am actively working with one through the site If you haven't seen all the services people offer on there. Check it out or you can make some money yourself. Awesome concept.
I am so excited to see what they come up with and I wrote the back cover copy and my bio. Which is an odd thing to write? Seems like you are being THE ROCK. Talking in the third person about yourself. Danyel is a blah, blah. I guess that's a dated reference, he may still talk in the third person since he may enter politics.

Then I started my Kindle publishing account and downloaded an app that edits and formats your work for Amazon's publishing. Which I have my book uploaded and I am formatting as I write this blog. All the blogs before this were leading up to this. I blogged so that I didn't lose writing skills during my epilepsy meds adjustment. 
All of this seems like silly babbling. But this is me, standing at the edge of the diving board. When I have never even when up even one step of the ladder before. I just had my bathing suit on. 

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Not writing... to write

It's been days if not a week since my last blog when I had been churning them out one after another. But I have a great reason for the delay, I am working on my books. Like to completion. I know I have blogged about wanted to really write not that putting words in this blog isn't writing. But I love writing books and novellas. I had put my books away digitally speaking for almost three and others five years. And I have been reading them and remembering that I love taking someone, even myself to somewhere where they are not themselves. Feeling things, seeing things, and all through the arrangement of letters. What amazing of magic is that?

I plan to self-publish a few novellas first and I have one full-length novel that once completed in the final edits. I think I may submit to a publishing house started by an acquaintance I met at a Writing/ Author's conference seven years ago this month. I thought I would be published within a year or two of meeting all these authors and writers.  Today is my time to wait no longer.

My muse has been busy fueled by a happy body and mind. I have been doing yoga, taking walks, seeing butterflies, meditating, working on my craft every day and doing something every day that brings me happiness. EVERY DAY.

Sorry so short...

Back to my novels.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Today is the gift we have. Who are you sharing it with?

How many people will you see today? Two or two hundred? You have the opportunity to share something with each person that you come in contact with-- yourself. The bit of yourself could be a smile, a short conversation, holding a door, or a long uninterrupted conversation without any electronic devices. We all have enough time to give to others. It doesn't take more than a second to smile. That person you pass in the grocery may not have spoken to any other person all day, maybe that few seconds you take to say hi, nod and ask how they are-- will be some of the best human contact they get today.

I had an awakening recently and became more aware of how I was projecting in those moments when maybe no one notices; Like the grocery store or walking down the halls of work. I realized I was only smiling when I saw someone but instantly went back to a sour face mainly because I had been suffering from migraines and was in pain. Now I find that I smile whether someone is there or not. Part of my new meditation is breathing and smiling during daily mundane tasks. I find a distant sound to focus on humming of the fluorescent lights or the running of a fan. And I am learning to shut out all other thoughts and just smile. Bliss. No thoughts. The ability to turn it off for short periods is like a massage for your brains cells. And the smile is the gift you give yourself and others because smiles are contagious as well as their byproduct-- joy.

I charge you to try and smile when no one is looking. Not because it is magical, it will not make you money or solve all of your problems. It may even hurt your cheeks a bit as you get used to this new exercise. But you may just start doing it without having to "force" yourself to do it. Or you may be smiling when no one is watching but secretly someone is. And secretly it made them smile to see someone doing some task like push a cart, just smiling. Happiness is all around us, we just need to make it be.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Resurrection of the Soul

the revitalization or revival of something: Oxford Dictionary

Revival--restoration to life, consciousness, vigor, strength, etc.

For the last eleven years, I have celebrated Easter Sunday with the Catholic church. This year I celebrate the resurrection of my own soul. You do not realize you have buried yourself in another. I have seen others do it over the years whether it be their job, kids, or spouse. I did not think I had done that. I thought I know who I am. I am me. Then slowly I wasn't. I was in the same room at work and at home. I had boxed in literally everywhere I went.

It started with headaches in January that led into February migraines. Then I had the a-ha moment that I needed to start looking for a new job. The pain in my mind eased up once I admitted my work was a stressor. My soul felt better. I started watching the want ads and looking into the job market and assessing how I and my skills set could fit into the every changing market that I have been out of for so long. It could be a full-time job to find a job.

Once I started on that path, then the soul needed to go deeper down to what brings me joy. What hobbies, skills, things do I love in life that I can translate into a new path to make money for my family but also bring a new level to my soul. I want to come home fulfilled and not come home drained with nothing to give my family. I need to be able to get off work, and go do and be with my kids. I have missed too much. I am looking through life with a new lens. A new focus. I am not afraid.

So today is my revival, My resurrection. My life is back, More vigor, more strength through yoga, more consciousness through meditation, more vigor through the joy and mindfulness I find in all aspects of my day from start to finish. I was blind and now I can see. I was dead and now I am alive.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Thank You Dave Chappelle-- Synchronicity Part 3 aka my 250th BLOG!!!

Every day we have the opportunity to make a change we think and talk about without procrastination. Sounds cliche but these last few days and weeks I have been analyzing my life, not it in a whole but all aspects. Particularly thinking about the memories I make with my kids and the lessons I need them to take away from their time with me, which in turn makes me look back to my time with my own parents. I probably reflect on parenting more than most people because I am a social worker and I see how parental action affects children daily and in the long term. It actually is the main reason I started looking for other fields to work in. The stress is too much for my soul to bear.

Watching new Dave Chappelle comedy special he brings up Sunday Dinner, a whole spread of food almost like a small Thanksgiving or Easter.I instantly pictured a table covered with dishes of veggies, steaming mashed potatoes, meat as the centerpiece, and everyone passing this and that around while talking about this and that. So I did. I went to the grocery the next day bought a turkey and had a mini Thanksgiving invited my Cousin, daughter's boyfriend, a family friend and we had a great First Sunday meal. Since starting this blog, we have done a second one-- taco and fajitas dinner with another cousin's boys as the guests of honor along with my immediate family. Two weeks of success!

Dave Chappelle lives in Yellow Springs-- which is where I am applying to work. The only job I really want, Admission Counselor at Antioch College. On Saturday, I was cleaning out one of my sheds part of my lent/spring cleaning/minimalizing our junk from our lives that we don't need and I came across a postcard sent to me from the Assistant Director of Admissions when I was in High School. This is the position I am applying for. This could be something I do in my dream duties. Sending out positive vibes, I put the postcard in my wallet. The week before the Sunday dinner revolution, I had found one of my Antioch School Ids. Meaningful coincidences? I hope so.

Silly Dany, you didn't tell your readers how all this really ties together. My fourth year (senior) at Antioch either during finals or while I was finishing my Senior project on the Creation and Childhood of Serial Killers, Dave Chappelle came to visit on campus where he was friends with one of the dudes on my dorm. He had just released Half Baked and the grandness of it all had most people running to kiss some ass. I was the one trying to finish my thesis and was bothered by the "star's" dog running up and down the halls.I was unimpressed and may have been a little vocal about it. It was straight out of a movie like PCU. Overworked college student losing their mind over a dog barking trying to finish their senior thesis! So, my first meeting of Dave Chappelle was in 1999 at Antioch College when I yelled about his dog not being controlled...

This was the last person I ever expected to bring a family tradition back to my life. But Dave, Yellow Springs and Antioch are all saying yes. So thanks, Dave. We are enjoying Sunday Dinner and maybe we will meet for times two, three and four in Yellow Springs some day after I have published my books and have been hired by Antioch.

Do you experience Synchronicity in your life? Comment below I would love to hear from you. I would love to know how others experience this.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

What a novel idea... synchronicity part 2

One of my novels has the word Haven in the title. Part of the reason I didn't self-publish it when I "finished" it was because a TV series came out around the same time and I was kinda pissed. Sounds dumb but when you really are hit with words and titles for things when you are writing you think in your self-righteous brain that everything you come up with is brilliance. And I didn't want to change my idea or title. So I stuck this novel in a zip drive and started writing blogs.

My husband and I talked about ways that I could deal with this and then the next day I picked a random movie on Hulu and as the credits rolled the production company was called Haven. (The movie sucked but had a good thought, taking the impossible and saying instead I'm possible)

Now am I looking for that word subconsciously? For sure. These "meaningful coincidences" in life and social media this week are a jump start to my muse and big boot to the writers block that once stood in my way, so who gives a hoot if these are manifestions of my brain or signs from the universe to get back in the game. Here's a meme (remember when you did not even know what a meme was? I digress)

That represents this same thought. I am seeing the opportunities because I want to succeed. Lastly, I went into my job and someone was talking about a human with this same name, Haven. Synchronicity? You bet because I believe in my Haven.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


"Synchronicity is a concept, first explained by psychiatrist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship, yet seem to be meaningfully related."

I love finding Synchronicity in my life. The lightning bugs of life, as soon as the glow is close enough for your to grasp it then its gone but you go on and you step another way and there is another firefly. Sometimes these "meaningful coincidences" are the things that help us make a change in our life, calm our fears when anxiety may be overwhelming our souls. Other times these coincidences can be eerie or scary making a mind paranoid if they are already prone to think those things. I think they are my easter eggs or puzzle pieces of life showing me the way to the big picture of where I need to be heading.

Within a week, I did a Facebook quiz (I know, it's a FB quiz) about which Carl Jung Archetype I was?
It chose Sage--
"You're the sage! According to Carl Jung, the sage represents wisdom and the search for truth. You are wise beyond your years, patient and a deep thinker. You're driven by a thirst for knowledge. One of your greatest fears is being ignorant, misled, or duped. You're incredibly intelligent but you risk over analyzing until you're incapable of actually making a decision. You're an old soul and wise beyond your years, but Jung would tell you don't get lost in the clouds!"

Then a day later, I was talking to a friend online and needed to spell Synchronicity and I didn't want to look like a tool. And when I looked up the word, it was a "meaningful coincidence" that the person that first explained the concept was Carl Jung. And if anyone is unclear who Carl Jung is, he was a super famous psychologist probably second only to Freud.

Again three or four times since I have started this article on Synchronicity I have come across quotes in books, facebook or just online by Carl Jung. Meaningful coincidences? Or is it my brain is now looking for Carl Jung the same as when I bought my Red Nissan and now I see Red Nissan Sentras everywhere I go.

I prefer to think of my seeing Carl Jung as meaningful coincidence and take it as a hint from the universe to study this theory further. It is deep and involved. I will report more on Jung's Synchronicity and Archetypes in the coming weeks and their roles in my changing life.

Monday, April 10, 2017

What am I worth? (Synchronicity preview)

Many places in my life in the last few weeks someone has put some kind of value or asked me to put a number value on me as a person. It shook me to the core every time it happened. I am not something to be put into a numeric value. Maybe it scares me to think of myself as a cash cow. Put to slaughter for a price. One was for life insurance and disability insurance our yearly meeting with the same smiling face. She loves me I add more every year paranoid that someone will get hurt or goddess forbid die. I with having Epilepsy I constantly worry about my long term health. It's under control now, but I was told as a child I would outgrow it too. So here was the first place someone asked me to pick my big worth.

As I am applying for jobs or more like browsing the job market. I cannot say there has been much that screams LEAVE WHAT YOU HAVE! yet. But here is another place where they want you to say what you are worth. And it's some weird pissing game, that I don't understand. You don't want to put a salary too low and look desperate but you don't want to put too high either. But some people say over confident does win because it sells a demeanor that the upper management wants in an employee. I am just honest and put the amount I need to leave my current position for that position. I am not a good liar or negotiator. I am better to just put it out there and if you dig my vibe then we can work together. That is how I am playing this, I am looking for my bliss work related and I think it will find me when I find it.

My husband asked me what I thought I was worth for all the thoughts, ideas, jobs, all the potential in me what I could be worth. He had a number for himself and I waited and spit out some random number like $50,000 and I really have no idea where I came up with this number because I was just so taken back by the thought of quantifying my creativity and productivity into a number. Sometime since the birth of my kids, I had the revelation that the real currency in life was time. If we were to give people real gifts, it should be vouchers for our time and we should hold fast to meet face to face with people. Time is our most precious gift; One I have tried to give to my kids as often as they have allowed me. There have been people in my life I have been shamefully selfish with my time and my belly aches over those losses. But I have today. And I have time. I have no other value to speak of but I have time.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

How we misjudge

How many of us have stopped following a dream because someone else has told us or we have believed they have said of us negative causing us to question our self. Or was there that guy in High school that you longed after wishing you would have asked him out in the lab but never did because you just know he would have said no?

My love for words started in Middle School. I still have binders and notebooks of sappy poems, short stories and other creative writing ventures I tried over the years. In high school, I wrote for my school newspaper and even was co-editor my senior year.
Then when I was accepted to Antioch and placed in a remedial English class for the few of us who sucked at writing based on a summer reading assignment. Why hadn’t anyone before now told me I sucked? The devastation was on par with a tornado or divorce it meant I could not be a writer; so I never wrote again--
Until 2009, when I was reading books by Charlaine Harris the author of the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I read them, loved them, and thought I could totally write books like this. And I started writing again. Fast forward blur blur blur. Three novels unpublished and over 250 blogs later and I have to wonder how much better of a writer would I be if I had not stopped for over fifteen years?

No one ever said 'DANYEL YOU SUCK'! But being placed in a class that not everyone had to take made me feel stupid. I had just passed AP English with a B. I was so confused. I did not realize until years later that Antioch was not only teaching me grammar but to write my own genuine thoughts. The paper they graded was regurgitated from the book I read. Me and my high school had failed to find Danyel’s voice blending facts from the book with my opinions. That is why I was placed in the writing course, not because of my suckitude. *which are grammar rules, I know I have not a drop of the rules.
My true hippie happiness if I am completely honest is reading something I wrote and thinking, 'that is so awesome, someone else must have written that'. Then remembering that it was me, and I smile.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Finding the beauty in the Taint-- or Fuel for my muse

When I was little I tended to be sick, I would surround myself with imaginary worlds within the library that I had amassed by the time I was in elementary school. I now realize there are people who get to be around live muses, not just paper, film and digital muses. My friends were on the pages and inspired me to write and create and dream. Then slowly a few real ones have trickled in my life sending butterflies to my brain.

In my recent flu/viral URI, I have watched documentaries on Greenwich Village and other art communities. Which made my brain a little jealous of people getting To surround themselves with peers in your neighborhood with the same drive to create; what a fun experiment in the creative positive flow. There were flows like that at Antioch in my sculpture class, writing classes and watching the manic kids work all night turning videotapes into a full-scale spider web. I have always believed we are given people for a reason or a season. I love when new or old people come into our lives and revive something in us that move us to step up to the next level or get back to our love. Over the last couple years, I had some great editing and writing partners and I have since fallen out of regular contact with them and miss the conductivity between two minds helping one another in a creative process. That sharing was very intimate, especially a novel, or three.

I am not a very social person. I love talking to people one on one or in very small groups but anything else scares me shitless. To share my writing with anyone is like showing someone my boobs. I am no woo-girl. I am not at the bar flashing every person who buys me a shot of lemon drop.

The only reason I press send on this Blog is I assume Yes, Virgina you are my the only real reader. Where in the world is my reader? That should be the bonus in the comment section. I digress.

Finding our own Greenwich Village, no matter where we live. I am sending out to the universe that I want to be surrounded by more artists of all mediums. My best friend is a choreographer and dancer. I recently have been re-introduced to a writer/photographer whom I hadn't spoken with in 22 years. His photos have shown me beauty in Cincinnati that I didn't realize existed.

My mind had become so tainted to the ugliness of Ohio because of the burnout I feel in other areas of my life that I had stopped looking for the beauty that is still around us.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

What do we want in life?

Warning-- adult language-- mom's mouth will slip past appropriate.

We tell our kids the letter A on a papers, will lead to a treasure map of colleges and eager to offer pretty colors to study at their square buildings for four to twelve years, all the while praying they figure out what they really want-- to work, achieve and choose their future and not let the future choose them. History has shown that not all successful people got great grades in school and some do not even graduate. And I am not even touching the issue of what a college education cost a student nowadays. Am I advocating for dropping out? No. Not in the least. But instead thinking about how we decide what is best for us in our lives and how we figure out those things.

I am figuring out how my happiness is internal, some external but not material.

We have all know sublimely happy people. They radiate sunshine out every orifice even when they have the flu. I love these people and have always wanted to add an ounce of this sublime happy to the cocktail that is Dany. But instead of seeking this liquor I have actively for over two years been trying to pick their brains to find out what it is that keeps them looking for the pot of gold and not seeing the muddy poop slosh their standing in.

Happy people don't make excuses.

Happy People are looking forward to everything because if you are always looking back you will probably be smacked in the face with a beam. (Where did that stage come from? Dang Easter Bunny.)

Copyright--VIEWASKEW; kEVINSMITH, mallrats

I want a clean house when I come home.
I want time to write and or create something every day.
I want to meditate.
I want to see or be part of the joy in my families lives.

My mind instantly went to a list of things I want to remove from my life. But to write them keeps them solid in reality and I would rather not give them any more life than the habits they are already in my psyche. '

I am thankful for if even one of you read my ramblings. They are helping me. And I don't just do them for my own selfish reasons. I think if I am thinking this way maybe one other person may also be like. Fuck this is hard.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Don't read this-- I'm on Steroids--- Dany in Wonderland

When you have been sick for more than a day or two it messes with your mind more than you realize. Days and nights mean nothing. The numbers on the calendar only mean something if Facebook reminds you it is that assigned astrological day or shows you events from your past of this day 365 days ago. But then if you seek treatment for your fevers and barrage of systems then you are now inducing chemicals into the equations. Since my local witch doctor was closed and not an Ayurveda practitioner who takes Anthem within a 100-mile radius and I had to settle on western medicine to cure my ails they undecidedly called flu with a chance of bronchitis. So an antibiotic, a steroid, and an inhaler walk into my mouth and three blogs, one completed job, two half jobs and a lot of unfolded laundry later I am exhausted. I would love to have the thoughts flowing that this steroid inhaler combination is giving me. Not saying you are reading the next Joy of Sex Manual. But when you take enough Epilepsy meds to sedate a small family a crisp mind wanting to write, create and keep going is the closest to joy I have had since Florida. And it's like stepping through the mirror and back into Wonderland. And I am so afraid it will stop when the meds are done.

My positive Dany says no. This is my new path and through meditation and perseverance, this is the new way. Day two with meditation. No more waiting for the right meds or the right situation or the kids to be older. Today is my day to find my hippie happy every day, my joy.

Part of my joy today was seeing my offspring dance. She competes, which I hate but I love to see her art in form. Her face on the stage but even better her face off stage as she has accomplished her goal her art in whole. I have to block out the fake reality of the stages, trophies, makeup, fake hair and glitter. I just wanna see my baby spin and twirl like a two-year-old joyfully in the rain. To do that I had to leave the house and purse filled with meds nauseated by the phlegm filled gut, but I did and I was never happier that I forced myself into Wonderland for my daughter. I was blessed doubly by lil sister being my White Rabbit for the day.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Come with me on an incredible journey...NaNoWriMo

I have not written new material besides these blogs since 2013. So when a best friend from college emailed me and suggested we do NaNoWriMo, short for National Novel Writing Month. I ignored the suggested. Then I let it plant the seed and then I let it have just a little water just enough to not die before November 1 when the "competition" with yourself begins.

The link here: Will lead you through a great tracking system of how much you write every day. Writers or at least all I have come across love the thrill of the word count. The NaNoWriMo website helps track and motivate you to write day and write to your goal-- which is to complete an whole novel in a month. Which sounds overwhelming but when broken up into 30 days is achievable. The last one I did I wrote 68k words in a month. You are not supposed to edit. Just write. Pretty simple.

Here is a quick blurb from their site:
"National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing.

On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30.

Valuing enthusiasm, determination, and a deadline, NaNoWriMo is for anyone who has ever thought about writing a novel."

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Standing on the edge of the precipice...

I have been blogging for a couple years now I think. I started the blog so that once I stopped writing my books that I would not lose writing skills even though I had stepped away from the typewriter so to speak. I wanted to keep my fingers nimble and my brain churning as much as possible. I started reviewing products because I love free shit and receiving packages even more. But then I got addicted to the process. Not the review writing which started to suck my soul and it filled my social media with the free stuff I was trying out but I think I was pissing off my friends with pics of pretty much adverts for these products that my friends may or may not wanted to see. I didn't and don't want to lose friends because of that. I barely have friends I consider real, to begin with.

So I have been contemplating so many aspects of my life recently-- this blog, my place in the world, religions, meditation, where I want to live, how to be the best me and best parent, and where do I go from here. And the one thing I have come up with is I am not content with where I am. Things much change to be better tomorrow.

My studies of Ayurveda was the starting point of learning more about my body and how every aspect of our lives affect every other aspect of our being. When we are stressed we get sick more. It seems so simple but it's a truth that in America we seem to forget and just medicate instead of looking at the heart of why illnesses and maladies begin. The real struggle is heading the stress off before it begins. I want to learn that skill, more important I want to teach those skills to my kids. Yoga and meditation are the keys. I know they are. I would love to learn from skilled teachers, but now I have to settle for youtube, Amazon Prime, and books.

This summer my best friend lost her father, he was one of the greatest men I knew and his death rocked all of our lives. Wolf's death has made me look at life every day and want to be and do better. My best friend started watching Twin Peaks again with her sister as a result of being home when her father passed on, which I in turned watched as well. David Lynch the director is an avid Transcendental Meditation advocate and is working to spread TM to schools and kids to help a new generation cope with life in a "new" way. I feel a pull to this in some way. If you would like more info on what he is doing here is the link There is also a transcendental meditation page I would love to be trained but that cost. And I am a broke social worker, frowns.

I know the precipice I am at is painful but one of growth and blessings in the long term. I just don't know whether to jump, stay put or how to get to the next there.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Bliss is still a work in progress.

Summer has begun officially even though school was out almost a month ago. I have been finishing up my school work and have been trying to get my house in order in between illnesses and vacation. Now we are here, the place I want to be-- ready to start my publishing one of my books. So what is my first step. I have one book that has a cover made, it is written and now I need to read it from start to finish at least once to make sure it is complete and finish it. And I will find a few final readers. This book I think has been over edited-- part of my issue was too much editing. I have realized that I am not perfect with my grammar but sometimes I think my voice was being edited out because it was not was the norm. I think books now are not the books of yesterday and in the time since I wrote the books (six years on some of the novels) the whole industry has changed. So I will publish these books. Step one. Finish Cleaning house so I cannot use it as an excuse. Step Two. Clean me- I got great samples like my Gillette Venus Swirl (I get freebies in the mail to practice my writing skills when I am not writing my novels.) and a facial from coconut sugar scrub.

Step Three Read Mythic Doppelganger and Find readers and beg my former editor friends to read the final drafts. Publish by 8/1/16.

Sounds Simple? I promised myself when I started all this that I would be published by forty and that is less than six months away.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Writing for reals. Not just clickbait.

After being inspired by MEGA RAN/ RANDOM and talking to an old friend returned to my life, Chea, I am more determined than ever to get my butt in gear and publish one of my 4 WIP this summer. But now the question is which to publish, which to work on, and which to put away for a while or maybe scrap all together. So since hubby is working most of this weekend. And the kiddos seem rather occupied in positive ways. So I will get the most recent copies together in a folder, try and skim them and come up with a plan and report back. Maybe if I am adventurous enough I will even post the synopsis here and see if I have one reader that would like to give me some feedback on which sounds like the best candidate to be my first published work. Sound great my one reader? Hi Gini. I hope your trip was great. Missed you. (My hubby doesn't even read this maybe if he did, I would read the news.)

I believe in my heart that we have to put the positive out there to get positive back; also making lists to keep ourselves accountable for what we want and what we plan to do. So here is my blog about getting off my ass and well actual getting on my ass and not playing around on the internet but writing and editing and not being afraid to come to that day when I press send and publish my work. Some of it is funny, that I remember. I know you shouldn't brag but I remember reading it through once and laughing and thinking, there was no way I wrote that. That was a little funny. I want to write books. I want to be an author.

I am a writer. I am an author. Just waiting for my soul to press send.