
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Why rant when you can RAVE?

My blog has never really had a direction of what the theme is. I thought it was mostly about my journey as a writer on my way to publication. But I spend so much time editing, writing and finding a thousand reasons not to write that this blog morphed into more of a personal sound board for when I really found something I wanted to say something.

Some of my greatest thoughts on my writing come in the car, I think this is because your brain is focusing on the road and driving. Then bang your muse gives you something when you are completly unable to write or do anything about it. I force myself to think on the "jewel" my muse gives me until I can get to my destination and write it all out.

Today's jewel focused on the thought of "Life is consumer research." As consumers, we try things, we eat things, experience products every day and ususally we only contact companies when there is a problem with their product. Our society is quick to complain, and slow to compliment.

So I would like to write a blog or a column on this blog that will be dedicated to RAVING about products I come across that ROCK! And I plan to contact each company that makes this product to let them know how awesome they are.

I don't want people to respond with any negative, there may be negative to these products for you. But that is not what this will be about.

Positive only.

I already have a product to tell you about... :)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Wow, its summer!

Once again I haven't written a blog in forever. But this time its because I am actually writing books! Over the last few years I have started more books than I care to reveal. I have yet to finish to completion any of them. Four of them are on the edge of almost done!!  My amazing crit partner is motivating and helping me push forward toward the goal-- publication!

Maybe the next blog will be announcing the launch party and pub date of one of my books. I would love to be using this blog as a vehicle to tell my millions of 7 followers about my novels and novellas. 

More to come...

Happy Summer to you all and to all a dry day!

(This is the first dry day in my town in 13 days this summer!)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Like I needed any more distractions in my life.

We have all heard of Pinterest and I just rolled my eyes every time someone said I found that on Pinterest. Then one day last week my Aunt Chelle actually showed me some of the PINS and I was hooked. I am planning to paint and upcycle my bathroom and I was looking for some ideas.

NOW, I am hooked like a crack fiend after the first hit. I have found recipes, cool pics, amazing DIY projects and cleaning tips.

So today for Easter, I have chosen two new recipes from Pinterest-- Lemon Strawberry Bundt Cake and  Sliced Baked Potatoes.

But, besides being in Pinterest land more than I should be. I have been chugging away at my work in progress, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Ginnie. Oh, did I mention it is spring break! I have so many little things I want to get done this coming week. Writing, painting, cleaning closets and drawers-- AND Game of Thrones season premiere is TONIGHT!