
Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2014

Buda's Book Celebration

Five Ideas for Using Pinterest as an Author
by RaeBeth McGee-Buda

Social media changes every day. New sites are released, while some disappear. One of the newest sites I have found and use is Pinterest. There is a lot of pressure on the promotion part of a book for authors. Authors feel we must push our books out there into every nook and cranny within the internet. This helps exposure for our hard work.

Don’t understand what Pinterest is? Let us clear this up too. The site Pinterest allows members to “pin” different pictures onto their own profiles in different pin boards, which are like different photo albums. Most of the time all the user has to do is add a small caption to the photo being pinned and it is done. Other users will see these photos and if they like what they see, they can repin it on to their own board.  

Pinterest is a great place to quickly add a photo, which has the potential to reach many, providing it is repinned. Therefore, here are five ways I have found useful when using this social media site.

1.                  Create a board for novels only.
    This helps those following you to see what types of pins you enjoy and have interest in. As an example, I have several different boards for books. I have a board for my books only and another board for other books I have read and enjoyed. I use my boards to help tease my readers and show upcoming projects that I am working on once there has been a cover reveal.

2.                  Create a board for Book Graphics.
     Authors go out of their ways to create graphics, which relate to their books. It is a great idea to pin them to Pinterest for more exposure. This could also reach new readers. Be sure when repining, there is a link to the website where the books can be found. Thus, making it easier for readers to find out more information about the books on the graphics.

3.                  Create boards for each individual book.
     Each one of my books has their own board. I like to use this to share different pictures that pertain to that individual book. As an example, different pictures that represent different scenes within a book. I have repined scenery photos, photos of different rooms within a house that are similar to the rooms within the house in the book. This could help draw in readers as well.

4.                  Repin for Others
   This is one thing that some tend to forget. While you are wanting, your book covers or graphics repined, so are other authors. Do not forget that sharing is caring and supportive. When other authors see that you have repined their books, they are more likely to repin yours.

5.                  Encourage Wish Lists
   This is one of my favorites. I have a board for the things I would like to do or read in the future. One thing that I have coming up this year, is encouraging my readers to create a wish list of pins on Pinterest. I will be asking them to create a 2014 Wish List Board. Of course, I would hope my books would make the cut and I will randomly choose a winner at the end of the year to win a prize during the End of the Year Bash I have. This gives them an entire year to build their boards. 

In closing, please remember when using Pinterest to have concise descriptions on each pin, which include using proper hash tags, keywords, links, and more. Pin covers from sites where books can be purchased and tag every cover with the genre, author, and book information. Thus, making it easier for others to find more about the book.

Check out Rae Beth’s Pinterest Profile Here:

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Like I needed any more distractions in my life.

We have all heard of Pinterest and I just rolled my eyes every time someone said I found that on Pinterest. Then one day last week my Aunt Chelle actually showed me some of the PINS and I was hooked. I am planning to paint and upcycle my bathroom and I was looking for some ideas.

NOW, I am hooked like a crack fiend after the first hit. I have found recipes, cool pics, amazing DIY projects and cleaning tips.

So today for Easter, I have chosen two new recipes from Pinterest-- Lemon Strawberry Bundt Cake and  Sliced Baked Potatoes.

But, besides being in Pinterest land more than I should be. I have been chugging away at my work in progress, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Ginnie. Oh, did I mention it is spring break! I have so many little things I want to get done this coming week. Writing, painting, cleaning closets and drawers-- AND Game of Thrones season premiere is TONIGHT!