
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Peppermint Oil - 100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil Review-- trying to use my DIY skils

One of the key ingredients I have noticed in many of the Pinterest recipes for DIY home products is essential oils. I received Pure Body Naturals 100% pure and natural Peppermint essential Oil from Tomoson for my review. I was excited to receive it just in time for Christmas and for the chest cold the family all got at the same time. My first use was the steam therapy for the family. I boiled a few drops of the oil in water when a few of my family members were sick and to help the dry air and to put the peppermint in the air which seemed to make it easier to breathe. The essential oil burned clean and was easy to work with. The cap and top of the bottle makes it easy to not pour but add drops-- which is all you need. The peppermint oil is very strong. Another way I used the Pure Body Naturals Peppermint oil was to add it to my DIY cleaning products I make with White distilled vinegar (which does not smell yummy at all). And just one drop of this is all you need in a full size water bottle of cleaner I made. This product was perfect. I used it in many different ways and this large 4oz bottle still has so much left. I am so excited about using it in concoction with other essential oils as I increase in my skills in alchemy of cleaning and home products. If you would like to pick this up, here is the link

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Like I needed any more distractions in my life.

We have all heard of Pinterest and I just rolled my eyes every time someone said I found that on Pinterest. Then one day last week my Aunt Chelle actually showed me some of the PINS and I was hooked. I am planning to paint and upcycle my bathroom and I was looking for some ideas.

NOW, I am hooked like a crack fiend after the first hit. I have found recipes, cool pics, amazing DIY projects and cleaning tips.

So today for Easter, I have chosen two new recipes from Pinterest-- Lemon Strawberry Bundt Cake and  Sliced Baked Potatoes.

But, besides being in Pinterest land more than I should be. I have been chugging away at my work in progress, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Ginnie. Oh, did I mention it is spring break! I have so many little things I want to get done this coming week. Writing, painting, cleaning closets and drawers-- AND Game of Thrones season premiere is TONIGHT!