
Showing posts with label Sentey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sentey. Show all posts

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Let it Flow-- Sentey's Flow that is

Meditation and sleep Hypnosis has been my saving grace for the last month and I told you in my post Dany's Hippie Happy Things that I primarily listen to Michael Sealy's Youtube page for my different meditations and self hypnosis', part of the requirement for these amazing listening experiences is to have headphones. So when I was approached my Sentey to try out their Flow headphones. I jumped at the chance to try something that I use every single day as part of my true path to my hippie happiness.

They not only had amazing sound quality but they also were comfortable on my ears, had a bigger ear cup than my prior headphones, adjustable headband and the most amazing part that no one else has is the ear cup itself has rotating ability on the headband. For an example of this you can check it out here.

Edited 4/27/15 Another great night with my Sentey headphones, with rotating earcuffs these are nice for people who "accidentally" fall asleep with their headphones on. I do not condone falling asleep with headphones on, but a bonus safety feature is the cord is not hardwired to the ear piece but plugs into the side instead. These headphones made me more than #hippiehappy.

I received these headphones in return for my honest #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy review.