I have spent the last 13 years working in the public school system, and I can say that the best teachers for the majority of children utilize a clean, organized almost-minimalistic approach to the surroundings in the room. Kids (and adults for that matter)with ADHD have an easier time focusing when things have a place to be and the kids know the boundaries of the room and the rules.
When I have chaos in my life or when stress has built up too much I start my own type of CPR.
1. Walk, move, get the oxygen flowing through your body. There is not always an option say if you are in a meeting or appointment, then I take away the movement and try to get my breathing increased to increase blood flow and oxygen. If I need energy, I will breathe in and out just shy of hyperventilating for a minute. Or if I am amped up, I will slow it down breathing in for three count, hold for three and exhale for three seconds. Repeat until shoulders release from their peaks.
2. Stretches/Yoga time-- For me, there are times when breathing in a stretch position or a yoga pose will feel better and bring me happiness and joy than a gluten-free donut.
3. Water with a citrus fruit squeezed into it. This is my new go to. I particularly love lime in water. It helps with the blah-ness of plain water all the time. I know I need water and most of the time it will suffice but when I am stressed or looking for calm there is nothing better than water, no caffeine or sugars to mess with the body's already heightened state.
BONUS*** Its really the #1 way for me to find calm-- in the woods, nature, the beach, the mountains. Anywhere earth is under toe and fresh air is freely available. This can be hard if you live in the fields of Ohio, especially when the weather is prickly. I have been hiking a few time since Spring began almost a week ago and
Life will never be stressless, but I can stress less.