
Showing posts with label trouble sleeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trouble sleeping. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How do you fall asleep? 3 easy ways to fall asleep without the TV

I don't know where the falling asleep with the television thing came into my life. Our family didn't have cable until I was a teenager and we didn't have televisions in our rooms until later teen years. But somewhere in college I remember having insomnia and I would play movies on the VCR (we didn't have cable in our rooms only in random places on campus), I digress. So I would watch movies I had seen before until I would fall asleep. When I got home from college my mom had started falling asleep with the TV on where she used to fall asleep with a Stephen King book in her hand.

For years after college I kept up this falling asleep to the TV, but I had switched to documentaries and learning shows with nice British or male voices that would lull me to sleep with educational videos like first period in High school. Then three or four years ago, I took the TV out of our room because I did not feel like I was getting quality sleep.

1. Guided Meditations -- I am always looking for new ones but right now I am using Jason Stephenson and Micheal Sealy on YouTube.
2. Reading -- This is still my favorite way to fall asleep. I read both paper books and e-books, I love both. Last night I used and used my free book to have them read me Prince Lestat by Anne Rice.
3. Soft Music/Lullabies -- The hour before I hope to be asleep, I make my room darkened and quieter than other spaces. Mood music can help "lull" you into sleepy time. I was given amazing Lullabies by Rock The Cradle: A Lullaby Tribute To Billy Idol to review and I know it is intended for babies but I really like it for putting on at night for myself as night time quiet time. This made me very #hippiehappy. It was tunes I could sing with the instrumental or I could just close my eyes and do deep breathing or visualizations and meditations.

To buy this album:
Jammy Jams Store:
Google Play:

I received the Rock the Cradle in return for my honest #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy review.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Trouble Sleeping...

When I was in college, I went through three weeks where I had trouble sleeping. I watched movies to fall asleep especially Say Anything. My mom was always one to fall asleep with a TV on I think it was a way to have a nightlight and someone to read you to sleep. The light is not very bright and you are listening to someone else's story. My mom also was a reader she would read till she got tired then she would turn the tv on. Smiling. Needless to say some of these traits rubbed off on me. I have never been much of deep sleeper. I wake up if I have to pee or someone else in the house has to pee. And if I wake up and do too much or stay awake for more than a few many moments than I will be up for hours. I cannot fall asleep at the same time as my husband or it will take me hours to fall asleep. Seriously. We have been together for 15 years and we have fallen asleep at the same time in the same bed probably three times, most of this was because we worked opposite shifts I would like to think. Not just because I am OCD when I am trying to fall asleep, I remember lying in bed as a child for hours telling myself stories and thinking to myself. I digress-- that is the main problem. I digress from sleep.

I received two different sleep aids within a week of one another so it was a nice opportunity check out the plus and minuses of each.

The Somnis worked like this, take 1 or 2, fall asleep, wake up its morning. No groggy morning feel and it completely natural. I loved these and I will keep these in my house from now on. The main ingredients are Melatonin, GABA, and L-Tryptophan. I love when I do not wake up in the middle of the night.#hippiehappy The Somnis does this, Tylenol PM doesn't even guarantee me that.
Slumber Fit-- Not a deep deep sleep but a great invigorating sleep where about an hour before my alarm my brain woke up before my body did when that swirling whirl of 6:10am rings true. So when I awoke it was like I had already been up for an hour and I was much more alert and ready to face the day. I have taken this one a few times when I know I have to be up and moving extra early in the morning. #hippiehappy

I received these products in exchange for my #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy truth-filled reviews.