
Showing posts with label Chef Christiane's Brazilian Gourmet Hot sauce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chef Christiane's Brazilian Gourmet Hot sauce. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

RECIPE: Stuffed Peppers, GLUTEN FREE with Chef Christiane's Brazilian Gourmet Hot Sauce

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This week my review is not normal, but I am posting a recipe I made with a product I received. The product Chef Cristiane's Brazilian Gourmet Hot Sauce and it did not fail me.

Stuffed Peppers

1lb of hamburger fried up in the skillet.
Add pinch of garlic
Few jalepenos
(I put a splash of the juice in and about 5 slices)

While the above fries in skillet, I boiled my water for the rice.

1 can of GF Tomato Soup
Then to the completely cooked meat, I put can of gluten free tomato soup and added salt and pepper.
I allowed this to simmer so the meat and soup meld their flavors together * This is where I added in the Chef Cristiane's Brazilian Gourmet Hot Sauce, about half a teaspoon- 1 teaspoon. After this plays together in the pan for about 10 mins, I added the rice.

1 cup of cooked rice

I then cut out the lids, seeds and anything inside that could be pulled out. I seasoned the hallowed peppers that I put in a glass bread pan in a preheated 350 degree oven just to let them start cooking while the simmering rice, sauce, and meat flavor one another.

Pulled the peppers back out with my silicone oven mitts, feeling no heat through the gloves. But then we ate our yummy peppers. Chef Christiane's Brazilian Gourmet Hot sauce made my dinner perfect. I give this #hippiehappy approval.
I got the hot sauce for free for my honest #hippiehappy or #nothippiehappy opinion.

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