
Monday, November 7, 2016

Teenagers, Skyrim, and decorating for Christmas (Or why I have not written for NaNoWriMo)

I had full intentions to write for NaNoWriMo but here we are a week into it and guess what my word count is--- zero. But I have really been adulting it up everywhere else in my life and really that is more important at this place in my life. In Ohio, we have has an amazing Fall. The temperatures have allowed us to not really turn on our heaters/furnace until this past week and really it just kicks on at night to keep the chill away. This Fall has continuously put off me switching out the winter and summer clothes which for my easily distracted ass can take a whole weekend to do it right. So this activity yelled at me not to write.

Then I had a teenager (and a preteen with his first girlfriend, teehee) that both wanted to redo their bedrooms; which coincided with the pull out all of the summer clothes and donations so it sounded like a win-win situation. This took more days than I care to mention but as of Sunday night it was complete and they both were happy. But mostly mom and dad were the happiest.

So far two distractions. Isn't that always a writer's worst problem we look for things to keep us from the keyboard? Then just last week, one of my all time fave video games was re-released Skyrim. It is my favorite stress reliever. And I have needed it. I am a social worker by trade and work has been more. That is all I can say about that. It is MORE. More cases, more intense, more hours, more appointments. Just more. And there is still only one of me. So I drive home, clear my thoughts on the day's work and I do my chores, and I use my bow and arrow in Skyrim to kill skeletons and skeevers. Ahh, my happy place.

My other HAPPINESS is decorating for Christmas. I do not care that it was the day after Halloween. The glow from the lights on the tree, the nostalgia from seeing ornaments from each of the past Christmases, seeing what I bought on sale for mere pennies last year that will be added to our home, and the first time each family member walks in the house and takes in all in and smiles or oohs and ahhs. This is my mom moment. Christmas is my big hoo-RAH! I love receiving Christmas decoration, new or old. And the time it takes to decorate is why I start after Halloween. I want to enjoy every possible day I can with my Winter wonderland of my house.

So I may not write a book this month. But I am momming and adulting right now. I don't need an annual write a book month to write. I need to just stop making excuses and do it.

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